Air Squat

  • Place feet shoulder width apart
  • Feet are pointing almost straight forward, just slightly out
  • Abs and butt are on
  • Descend by pushing hips back and down
  • Fight to keep the knees out during descend
  • Descend until hip crease falls below knee level
  • Ascend by pushing hips back and then up

Teaching Kids to Squat - Part 1 Teaching Kids to Squat - Part 2

Squat Teaching Points
There are four primary teaching points:
1. Stance
2. Hips Back
3. Bottom Position
4. Finish Position

1. Stance–This is where to start
Adult Cue
Feet shoulder width apart, toes slightly turned out, weight rooted through the heel.
Preschool & Kids Cue
Thumbs on outside of shoulders, match heels to thumbs, and/or tape on ground about 12” apart and match feet to the tape.
Teens Cue
Thumbs on the outside of shoulders, match heels to thumbs, and/or tape on ground about 18” apart and match feet to the tape.

2. Hips Back
Adult Cue
Butt back and down.
Hips back.
Have the CFK put their hands out and then grab their hips; explain that these are their hips. Then have them push their hips back and re-stand, bending only at the hip. Ensure the hips are doing the moving backwards and forwards (not the chest falling and rising), and that the knees remain straight during the “hips back” movement drill.

3. Bottom Position–This is where to go
Adult Cue
Crease of the hip below the knee.
Pockets below the knees.
Have the CFK interlock their thumbs and push their arms straight out in front of their body so the hands make a butterfly in front of their face. Then repeat the “hips back” drill from above several times, now with arms raised. Then have them push their hips back and sit down so the pockets are below the knees.

4. Finish Position–This is where to finish
Adult Cue
Stand all the way up, or knees and hips fully open at the top with a neutral spine and body bisected by the Frontal Plane.
Stand up like a superhero.
Have CFK stand tall at the end of the movement, chest out like Superman and hands on hips.
Mobility work to improve the squat

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